Instrumental Music Program

Instrumental Music Program

Thornlie Senior High School offers a selection based specialist program for students who have aspirations to learn an instrument and study Music. Entry for selection into the program is open to students in Year 6 to be considered for placement in the specialist class and tuition program for Year 7 and beyond.

Students can apply to be considered for placement to continue the instrument they are currently learning through their primary school IMSS program. We also offer placements in Year 7 for beginner students on selected instruments (subject to incoming numbers and existing places available).

We work in conjunction with Instrumental Music School Services (IMSS) to offer a broad and diverse range of instruments, including:

  • Flute
  • Clarinet
  • Alto Saxophone
  • Trumpet
  • Low Brass
  • Contemporary Guitar
  • Classical Guitar
  • Percussion
  • Contemporary Voice

Beginner placements can be offered for the following instruments only:                                       

  • Contemporary Guitar
  • Contemporary Voice
  • Percussion
  • Clarinet or Saxophone (saxophone only offered every 2nd year)
  • Trumpet or Low Brass

Due to large incoming numbers of ongoing students from our feeder primary schools, we are unable to commence beginner placements in Flute or Classical Guitar due to high demand for those instruments.

Students who have commenced learning an instrument at their primary school can elect to continue that instrument in Secondary School or can request to commence as a beginner on a new instrument. Students are only eligible to receive free tuition on one instrument through this program.

Students who learn an instrument privately may apply to be included in the specialist class but will need to continue their private tuition out of school on a weekly basis (for example, piano students, strings, electric instruments etc.). Piano is not offered as an instrument of study through the IMSS program.

The IMSS Program

Students offered a place in the program will receive free weekly instrumental lessons (in small groups) until they complete Year 12 (students must continue to study Music as one of their subjects each year in order to continue to receive the free tuition).

They will be placed into one large ensemble to rehearse with their peers and a specialist music teacher once a week either before or after school to increase their technique and skills on the instrument and to increase their awareness of playing as part of a group. These groups will perform at Music Concerts and other special events throughout the school year. We currently have a diverse range of ensembles, including:

  • Concert Band
  • Choir
  • Junior Classical Guitar Ensemble
  • Senior Classical Guitar Ensemble
  • Percussion Ensemble
  • Flute Ensemble

Students will be required to come out of timetabled classes once a week to attend their instrumental lesson and may be required to purchase their own instrument and books. Individual tutors will outline the requirements when the school year commences. Students will also be given a daily practice journal which they will need to use regularly.

Students are expected to practice their instrument regularly and to attend the required ensemble and participate in concert performances as part of their commitment to the Music Program.

It is expected that students who accept a placement into the program will commit to studying Music and their instrument for a minimum of 4 years (years 7-10).

Student Selection and Application

To be accepted into the Instrumental Music Program, applicants must satisfy the following criteria:

  • Willingness to participate in all facets of the program, including weekly tuition, weekly large ensemble rehearsals and musical performances as required.
  • Enthusiasm and aptitude for music – beginner students must complete a brief musical aptitude listening test.
  • Sign the Instrumental Music Program Agreement Contract

  Instrumental Music Program Brochure

To apply for the Instrumental Music Program please complete and submit the application form below to

  Instrumental Music Program Application


Tessa Batty

Instrumental Music Coordinator