Compulsory Attendance
The Education Act requires that all students must attend school daily until the end of the year the student turns 17. Record of daily attendance is kept electronically, enabling access by any government agency and maybe subpoenaed for legal purposes. Poor performance is closely linked to poor attendance.
Special Exemption
A student may be permitted to leave school the year they turn fifteen in certain circumstances. A secure and guaranteed job with a training component is required and the mandatory Notice of Arrangement application form (supplied by the school) must be completed by the employer, parents and the Principal. Final approval must be granted by the Minister for Education.
Absences must be for legitimate reasons. Any absence for part of a day, all day, or many days, must be covered by a written explanation from the parent or guardian to Student Services. Such notes should be dated and specify the actual date(s) and the reasons for absence. If a note is not supplied, truancy may be suspected. Absentee notes must be given to the relevant School Officer. When a note is supplied, it needs to be acceptable in law. For example a note which states “Johnny was absent with my permission” is not a legitimate reason for absence. A parent is not entitled to keep a student away from school without a good reason. Such reason is usually sickness, or urgent family business.
Swimming carnivals, athletic carnivals and other school-organised activities are treated as normal school days. All absences affect a student’s school performance.
Our Absentee Line :
Please report your child’s absences to the school by 9.30am by any of the following:
Phone: 6235 7965
SMS: 0407 479 120