BYOD Information

The Thornlie Senior High School, Bring Your Own Device Program encourages students in Years 7 to 12 to bring their own portable computing device to school every day. The aim is to support students and enhance their learning experiences both in and outside of the classroom.

Bring Your Own Device or BYOD has made the use of a wide range of digital technology devices commonplace across Australian schools and Thornlie Senior High School is embracing this approach.

Mobile technology devices, so prevalent in today’s society, have increasingly become everyday teaching and learning tools used by both teachers and students. BYOD has transformed the classroom by creating new opportunities for learning that ensures richer, more collaborative learning experiences. There is a wide body of research that supports the benefit of students participating in BYOD programs.

We have explored Department of Education policy, best practice methods of instruction, sought advice from schools currently using best practice in a variety of settings and conducted research into future technologies. We also run mini-workshops with our parent community to gauge support and answer any parental concerns. 

Our students face an ever-changing and very dynamic job environment where many employment prospects of tomorrow have not been thought of as yet. Preparing our students for the workplace of the future requires a different approach to teaching and learning by incorporating a vast range of pedagogical practices that focus on developing 21st Century Skills for our students.

21st Century Skills include digital literacy, creativity and innovation skills, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, communication and collaboration, and self-directed learning.

Existing school laptops, computers and iPads will continue to be supported and students will continue to have access to a range of devices and computer labs while at school.

How does Bring Your Own Device work?

Commencing in 2017, students have an option to bring their own device to school to support and enhance their learning.

It is important to note that this is not compulsory for students to participate in this program.

What will students do with the devices in class?

Students will use their device in class when instructed by their teachers.  It is not expected that computers will be used in all classes every day. Under the directed of their classroom teacher, students will have access to online resources, or use the school’s online learning platform Connect.  Our school uses the Connect platform to allow students and staff to collaborate in real time.  Connect is an education platform that offers online productivity tools for learning that is fully supported by the Western Australian Department of Education. These tools allow multiple students and teachers to work together. Students will also be able to access this learning anywhere, including in the home setting.  

What type of computing devices should my child bring to school?

Students are invited to select their own device including those already used in the home setting. We recognise that cost for families play a significant factor in the implementation of this program and stress that the school does not intend to have families purchase expensive equipment for at school use. 

Approved devices include:

  • Laptops running Windows 10 or higher
  • Macbooks running OXS 10.13 High Siera or higher
  • iPads running IOS 11.1 or higher

Minimum Device specifications are:

  • Capacity to connect to the Thornlie SHS Wi-FI
  • Screen size – no smaller than 7-inch screen size is recommended.  Smartphones or Devices with a screen size less than 10 inches are considered inappropriate as it causes eye strain over time.
  • Battery life of 6-10 hours. We are not allowing charging at the school. Students will need to ensure that charging occurs prior to coming to school.
  • Lightweight for portability

What software will be needed on my child’s computer?

  • Office 365 is available free online from the DET Portal.
  • Virus protection software.

Purchasing Options

Thornlie Senior High School has partnered with JB Hi-Fi Education Solutions and Hewlett Packard to provide parents and caregivers with an option for purchasing devices at a reduced educational price. Each of the devices listed is suitable for the learning activities that take place over our school network.

For peace of mind, there is an insurance option and an extended warranty guarantee. Delivery will be at the student’s home or picked up from the store.

     TSHS Pamphlet

     TSHS BYOD Policy & Memorandum of Acceptance form  
                – to be completed when bringing device to school

     Student Microsoft Office 365 Guide

     Third Party Policy



    JB HIFI online websiteclick on the link to go directly to the JB HIFI website this link includes school code


     JB HIFI BYOD Tool Kit for Parents


     HP online websiteclick on the link to go directly to the HP website
               School code: ThornlieSHS

     HP flyer



  Further Information

This page contains information for parents, carers and students on our BYOD Policy, ICT Policy, Connect information, purchasing options and support resources. It will continue to be updated as more information is made available.

ICT Coordinator
Tel: 08 6235 7900