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Student Behaviour Policy

We aim to build a safe, caring environment where people are treated with respect.

Department of Education MISSION STATEMENT:

  •  Providing an environment where individual differences are appreciated, understood and accepted
  •  Promoting care, respect and tolerance in the community
  •  Ensuring the safety of every individual in the school

For further information on this Policy please click on the following link:

Positive Student Behaviour Support Plan

Scholastic Book Club

What is Book Club?

Book Club provides families with an affordable and convenient way to access the best in children’s literature to encourage leisure reading. Book Club brings the magic of reading to families by

  • curating the catalogue in age-appropriate sections with a huge variety of excellent quality, affordable books.
  • providing regular access to books for the home via your school to build good reading habits.
  • contributing learning and literacy resources back to schools.



15% of every purchase on Book Club goes back to your school in Scholastic Rewards to buy valuable educational resources that benefit your child.

  1. Place your Book Club order
  2. Your school earns Scholastic Rewards
  3. Your school redeems Scholastic Rewards for additional school or classroom resources!
  1. Your child can collect a Book Club catalogue from the Library or Front Office or you can view the catalogue HERE.
  2. Browse the pages with your child and help them choose books that suit their age and interests.
  3. Order online via Book Club LOOP.
  4. The books are delivered back to the school library where the staff will hand them out to very excited students!
  • Carefully curated with age-appropriate titles.
  • Great value books from as low as $3!
  • Quality publishing with the best children’s books from Australia and around the world.
  • Books for everyone covering all interests and abilities to ignite a passion for reading!

2024 School Photos

Dear Parents, 

Time is running out!

While photo day has come and gone, the excitement of capturing those precious moments continues. Your school photos are currently in the process of being finalised, but fear not! Online ordering is still available for a limited time.

Take advantage of the extended photo day pre-print pricing until 13th March and save on postage and late order fees.

Use your child’s specific access key here or scan the QR code below.

If you haven’t received your child’s access key, reach out to the school directly, and they will be able to provide it for you.

If the school cannot provide your access key, please click on this link and complete the Access Key Release form. 

Don’t miss out! Secure your online orders ASAP before the deadline hits.

Kind regards,

We Care Team



  1. (08) 9244 8211

PO Box 1064 Osborne Park DC WA 6916

Home Stay

Thornlie SHS is proud to be a Perth government school that welcomes fee paying international students into our school community for their secondary education.

We are one of a number of Western Australian public schools who have a long history of providing education to international students. Each year our schools welcome students from over 30 countries around the world.

Many of our international students are hosted by (live with) families in the community during their studies – this is known as Homestay.

Homestay is a long-standing, well-established form of accommodation for international students that has been used by public schools for many years.

For Western Australian public schools, Homestay is coordinated by the Australian Homestay Network (AHN). AHN is Australia’s leading international student homestay provider.

AHN is the preferred homestay provider for Thornlie Senior High School.

We are keen to expand the number of local families in the Thornlie Senior High School community providing Homestay to our international students.

The following link provides information about the AHN and the opportunity to become a Homestay host for Thornlie Senior High School:

I would be most grateful if you could consider this information and if interested, apply to become an AHN host today!

I have no hesitation in recommending the AHN to you.

Donna McDonald

House Information

CURTIN – GREEN                FORREST – RED                HANNAN – YELLOW                O’CONNOR – BLUE

Houses play an important role within the school as they create a sense of team unity. Houses work in a
number of ways within Thornlie Senior High School, in a sporting nature and as a behaviour incentive. Houses
are also a means of maintaining the sense of belonging attributed to homerooms at Thornlie Senior High School.
Thornlie has four Houses: Curtin, Forrest, Hannan and O’Connor. Each of these Houses has two Captains,
selected from the Year 12 student cohort. Students are organised into Houses when they enrol in the school.
The Houses compete against each other for the House Shield at sporting carnivals.
In addition, the House system is used as a behavioural incentive within the school, where students are
awarded House Points from their teachers for commendable behaviour. These points are distributed by
teachers’ use of the House Points booklets. 

House Points and Other Positive Consequences
Thornlie House Points are reward slips, given to students by school staff, to acknowledge that student
demonstrating an attribute of positive behaviour. Each time a student is observed demonstrating a particular
attribute a reward slip (Thornlie House Point) will be given to the student in acknowledgement of their
exemplary behaviour.
These slips are then submitted by students at Student Services where each week they are entered into the
weekly raffle for a canteen voucher. Furthermore, they are then collated and added to the student’s
homeroom tally for our school wide House Reward System.

Students are given points for various reasons, as outlined in the table below:

House Points Value Sanctioned Events and Values (for e.g)
1-5 points for participation in school events
Membership of Lighting Carnival Teams 
House Points (face value) from points booklet 
Athletics Carnival 
Colour Day (for wearing House colours on nominated days) 
Japanese – mastering hiragana (100%) 
Improved Assessment tasks Attendance at homework classes
10 Points(beyond normal call of duty)
Hospitality Functions assistants (non-task/subject related events) 
Participation in Mathematics Competitions 
Student of the Month nomination 
School representation – academic or sporting or cultural events 
Hosting Japanese students/Interstate sporting teams 
Outstanding Assessment Tasks – subjects 
Participation in - Asiawise Competition 
                             - Simpson Prize 
                             - Australian Geography Competition 
Letters of Commendation
20 points for ‘distinction’ or ‘high achievement’ 

in school events

Captain Of Lightning Carnival Teams 
Member of Champion Schools Teams (junior or senior) 
Completion of Community Services Obligations (20 Hours) 
Invitation to Reward Barbecue 
Attendance Champion – Term 
Honourable Mention – Attendance champion - Term 
Representing Thornlie SHS in Japan 
Distinction/High Distinction - Asiawise Competition 
                                                       - Australian Geography Competition 
                                                       - Australian Mathematics Competition 
                                                       - National Science Competition 
Home Room Competition 3rd Place
50 points for ‘outstanding’ achievement or

recognition of‘excellence’ in school events.

Captain of Interschool Teams 
Local Association representation in sporting teams 
Winning an event in the Interschool Athletics 
Completion of Community Services Obligations (30 Hours) 
100% Attendance Champion - Semester 
Honourable Mention – Attendance champion - Semester 
State award in Simpson Prize 
Home Room Competition 2nd Place
recognising students who by their actions place 
themselves and/or the school in the most positive 
of lights for our community to see.
Age Champion – Interschool Athletics 
Runner Up age Champion – Interschool Athletics 
Member of State Sporting Teams 
Student of the Month - Winner 
Completion of Community Services Obligations (50+ Hours) 
100% Attendance Champion – Whole Year 
Honourable Mention – Attendance Champion – Whole Year 
Member of Student Council 
Dux of each Year 
Top Student – Subject awards for each year 
House Captains 
Home Room Competition Winner

Other Positive Consequences:
Teachers at Thornlie SHS will continue to ensure that positive behaviour is given recognition. The staff are
committed to increasing communication not only between teachers and students, but also between school and
home. This may come in the form of:
• House Point acknowledgements
• Student of the Month (STOM) Nominations and Awards
• Top Student Awards
• Encouraging phone calls to parents
• Positive Behaviour Reports
• Letter of Commendation
• Reward Activities.
• Attendance Champion certificate.

What’s on at TSHS

Clubs and Sports at Thornlie SHS

Art Club
Monday and Wednesday lunchtimes
Room 501
More Details:
see Ms Partridge for details
Basketball (years 7-12)
When: 07:30 am (Before school)
In the Gym
More details:
All welcome. See Mr Jordan
Boomerang club
An opportunity to promote Aboriginal educational and cultural
activities to students from Yrs 7 – 12.
More details: See Ms Rebello
Breakfast Club
Free breakfast before school
When: Tues – Wed – Thurs, 8:10-8:40 am
Where: PAC Foyer
More details: See Naomi – SSO or Sue – nurse
Team Connect Cricket
School based teams playing for Thornlie Junior Cricket Club focusing on Personal Development for girls via participation in Team sport. Year 7 Team – Year 8 Team – Year 9/10 Team
More details: See Mr Roberts.
Follow the Dream
After school homework help for Indigenous students
More Details: See Ms Rebello
Fuse Cup
Online gaming competition
Yr 9/10 programming students
More details: See Ms Wims
Inclusivity Club
More details:
See Naomi
Indoor soccer
Monday afternoons (3.05-4.00pm)
More details:
See Ms Mathieson

Maths Homework club
When: Tuesday 8-8:40am,                                 Thursday 8-8:40am
More details: See Mrs Dhillon
Police Rangers
Tuesday evening in the Performing Arts Centre
More details: Sharon Kent – Unit Coordinator/chief instructor
Robotics Club (Yr 10-12)
When: Mondays 3:20-4:50pm
Where: STEM Castle
More Details: See Ms Hutson
Thornlie Runners Club
Meet on the front lawn
7:40 am Wednesday morning before school
More details:
See Mr Doyle, or Mr Salmon
RHEE Taekwondo
When: Tuesdays and Thursdays 6.30 to 7.30pm
Where: Gym
More details: contact 0411076886
Thornlie Taekwondo Martial Arts
When: Mondays and Wednesdays 5:30 – 7:30 pm
Where: Gym
More details: 08 9275 7878
Monday mornings 7:30am – 8:40am  Advanced Yr 7-9 boys 
Tuesday mornings 7:30am – 8:40am Yr 10-12 Girls 
Thursday afternoons 3:15pm –
 Advanced Yr 7-9 girls 
Friday mornings 7:30am – 8:40am Yr 10-12 Boys 
Friday afternoons 3:15pm
– 4:30pm Beginner level all age groups 
More details: See Mr Binder or Mr Green
Your Move
A group of interested students and staff who promote active travel to and from school. We meet two or three times a term. Meetings are advertised in the Daily Notices.
More Details: See Sue James, Community Health Nurse.


Harmony Week Celebrations 2024

We are celebrating Harmony Week from Monday 20 March to Friday 24 March. We have lots of fun things planned for the week.

The biggest event is our Harmony Day Festival on Tuesday 21 March during lunch and P. 5 on the school oval. There will be food trucks, ice-cream vans, sausage sizzle, a henna hand painting stall, outdoor games, multicultural quiz tables, Spin the Wheel table, dance performances, drumming performances and drumming workshops. 

Every day of the week, student will be told during Home Room what to expect the next day. Please join in the celebrations and enjoy our schools’ Harmony Week activities. We all belong!

Harmony Week: Monday 20 March

 Today, your Home Room Teacher will show you a power point which will help you understand and appreciate the true meaning of Harmony Week.

Tomorrow, you are encouraged to wear your traditional dress or something in orange. If you don’t have either, please feel free to wear your school uniform. During Home Room, you will be given a Harmony Week Quiz sheet. Please answer the questions and give the sheet to your teacher by Thursday 23 March.

Please make your way down to the school oval at the end of Period 4 to enjoy an afternoon of performances, drumming performances and workshops, outdoor games, spin the wheel with prizes, henna stall, multicultural quiz tables, sausage sizzle, food trucks, ice-cream vans and a bubble tea van. Please do not forget to bring some money to purchase food from the food trucks. Everyone is expected to bring their bags down to the oval at lunch as the classrooms will be locked for the rest of the day.

Harmony Week: Tuesday 21 March

Today is a huge Harmony Day Festival on the school oval during lunch and Period  5. Please make your way down to the school oval at the end of Period 4 for a fun afternoon of performances, drumming workshops, outdoor games, henna stall, multicultural quiz tables, sausage sizzle, food trucks, ice-cream vans and a bubble tea van. Everyone is expected to bring their bags down to the oval at lunch as the classrooms will be locked for the rest of the day.

Tomorrow is Parent Meet and Greet. Your parents will be entertained by cultural dance performances in the Canteen Quad at 4 pm. More information on this will be sent by Mrs Lockyer. Please bring your parents along to support and appreciate our talented students. On Thursday 23 March, an inspirational speaker Philip Lako will address our Year 12 students in the PAC during Period 4. Philip Lako is a former South Sudan child soldier who is now an author, motivational speaker, and Work Health and Safety Advisor in the Goldfields.

Harmony Week: Thursday 23 March

Your Harmony Week Home Room quiz sheets are due today. The Year 12 students are reminded to make their way down to the PAC with their bags promptly at 12:40 pm.

Tomorrow, once again, you are encouraged to wear your traditional dress or something in orange. If you don’t have either, please feel free to wear your school uniform.

Harmony Week: Friday 24 March

The students who were given letters by Mrs Rebello are requested to make their way to the PAC promptly at the end of Period 4 today. You have a session with AUG Student Services.