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School TV


Today parents face a multitude of modern day challenges in raising happy, well and resilient young people. Whilst there is a great deal of information available, this can often be confusing and overwhelming for parents looking for guidance.

SchoolTV addresses this as a new online resource designed to empower you as parents with credible and sound information with realistic, practical ongoing support strategies.

“The wellbeing of today’s youth has never been more challenging.”

Dr Michael Carr-Gregg

Police Rangers

Thank you for your interest in the Police Ranger program.  

Gosnells Police Rangers has a number of Instructors that volunteer their time for the program, the Unit Coordinator and Chief Instructor is Sharon Kent (Staff). The Rangers parade on a Tuesday evening between 1800 (6:00pm) and 2030 (8:30pm) at Thornlie Senior High School, 2 Ovens Road, Thornlie during school terms. New Rangers are inducted into the program when available. Police Rangers is a similar concept to military Cadets but obviously with a Police Focus. Rangers can commence parading the year they turn 12 until they are 18.

Police Rangers falls under the CadetsWA program and is government funded. There are no fees associated with weekly parading and most of the activities. Sometimes there is a small fee that is required to be imposed for some of our camps or larger activities. If your child enjoys the program, we will issue them a Gosnells Police Ranger shirt (when available at a cost)) and a uniform after their first term. The Police Ranger uniform has been overhauled and is very similar to the Police uniform. There may be a uniform bond required in 2022, the uniform bond will be returned to parents when all the uniform is returned to the unit in a satisfactory condition. If a Ranger changes sizes new uniform items are issued to accommodate.

The program has a syllabus that is aligned with the values of the WA Police Force and supports general life skills. We teach drill, leadership, history of police rangers, first aid, fieldcraft, navigation, survival skills amongst others. We usually have two camps per year, one unit camp and one State Camp or other activity. COVID-19 has affected and may continue to affect activities.

There is currently 1 other instructor at Gosnells (a serving Police Officer), local policing assist at various times. Rangers has a rank structure and Rangers are encouraged to work towards promotion and take on different responsibilities within the unit. As the instructor base is strongly aligned with the WA Police Force the program facilitates a lot of visits from different policing areas so that the Rangers obtain an understanding of those different areas. There are regular visits from Canine Section Officers, Regional Operations Group, Traffic Enforcement and the Tactical Response Group. Gosnells encourage fitness and regularly run the beep and agility tests along with other entry testing examples to assist those Rangers interested in policing as a career with the application process. Community service also forms part of the program and the Rangers participate in different activities within the community or to raise money for different causes. Again COVID-19 has and may continue to impact on involvement.

Having serving police officers and military staff as instructors is beneficial in securing work experience at Police Stations when the Rangers school can’t assist and with entry requirements to the WA Police Force Cadet Program and WA Police Force. Please note the difference between the Police Ranger and WA Police Force Cadets programs.

Please check out the West Australian Police Rangers Facebook page for further information.   

If you have further queries, please do not hesitate to make further contact.


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Student Committees/Clubs

At Thornlie Senior High School students are encourage to participate in a number of committees/clubs throughout the school. The purpose is to have a student voice on these committees/clubs and enable students to put forward their views and opinions.

Student Council – Duly elected members who represent the students and meet regularly to put forward opinions and views to the Administration. This committee co ordinates with other committees to organise events to fund raise for selected charities whilst providing fun and entertainment for the students.

  • Color Run
  • Quiz Night
  • R U OK Day

School Board – The Head Boy and Head Girl have a seat at Board meetings to represent the student body. 

Your Move – This committee encourages students to be more active with events like Walk to School and Ride to School Days.

Health and Well-Being – This working party is made up of school staff, parents, P&C and students to ensure on going Health & Well being of the school community.

House Captains – Duly elected members to represent the  4 house factions at events such as sporting events and school competitions.

Change Makers – Year 8 students have recently formed this club to meet in 211 every Monday and Wednesday at recess. They are about creating change and helping out around our school. All are welcome to join this new club. Please see Mr. Bateman.

Theatre Club – Do you like musicals such as Les Miserables and Grease? Would you like to perform songs such as Footloose, Dancing Queen and Fame? The Musical Club is a student-run club that covers all of these! Dancing, Singing and Acting all into one to perform acts from our favourite musicals. There are no pre-requisites! You could have no experience or coached in the performing arts. We will help you learn, alongside boost your confidence in these areas! Everyone is welcome to come to a rehearsal.
First rehearsals begin Wednesday, 2nd of March (Week 5) from 8:20am to 8:45am, then every Wednesday for the rest of the school year. Any questions should be directed towards the Performing Arts staff.

Boomerang Club – By invitation this club for indigenous students meets weekly. For further information contact Mrs Rebello, Mrs Abraham or Mrs Mahindroo.



Safety around the School

We all need to be aware of safety around school zones. Listed below is some links with further information on a variety of issues which cause concern around schools.

Safety around the school

If you need help or advice regarding parking contact Ranger Services during office hours on 9397 3000.
School zones
40km/hr school zones are in place around
every school in the City of Gosnells. School
zones operate from 7.30am to 9am and
2.30pm to 4pm.
Children warning signs and 40km/hr school
zone speed signs are the responsibility of
Main Roads WA.

School Parking Campaign A4 Poster

Common parking problems
• Parking in a No Stopping area
• Parking in a No Parking area
• Double parking
• Parking on a nature strip or verge without
the owner’s consent
• Parking so that the vehicle causes an
• Parking against the flow of traffic
• Stopping or parking on a footpath
• Stopping or parking at a bus stop
Be responsible
• Observe parking restrictions (read the signs)
• Be aware
• Use Kiss and Drive (if provided)
• Always be aware of children
• Walk or cycle to and from school
• Plan your trip so that you arrive earlier
• Stop on the school side so your child does
not have to cross the road
• Use the crosswalk services at all times
• Use parent’s parking bays (where provided)
What NOT to do
• Block driveways
• Park on footpaths
• Obstruct Children’s Crossing
• Get frustrated
• Ignore speed limits around schools
• Ignore parking signs

Bus Services

Services often change at the start of the school year. These changes include School Specials, as well as regular routes that service schools in the area. These changes are made in order to offer the best possible service across the network.

Please click on the services link above for more information.

Thornlie Senior High School does not run a specific bus service for students. All buses to the school are operated by Trans Perth. Information on services available are on the Trans Perth website which can be accessed by the following link

All students are issued with a student smartrider card with $5.00 credit upon enrolment, it is the responsibility of the student to keep this topped up for use. Students must present this smart rider for concession fares. Further information on smart rider cards is also available on the Trans Perth website. 

Tell Them from Me Survey

Tell Them From Me® (TTFM®) Student Survey 2021

Dear Parents and Carers,

As part of our focus on school effectiveness, Thornlie Senior High School will be participating in an online survey for students – Tell Them From Me® (TTFM®). The survey will provide us with valuable feedback on what our students think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with them. Schools in Australia and around the world have used the Tell Them From Me survey to help them improve.

During the few weeks, students will be given the opportunity and time to participate in this survey during regular school hours. Students who agree to complete the survey will be given a random username and password to access and complete the survey online. Students’ names cannot be linked to their responses which allows it to be completely anonymous. Results will show all student scores combined together – it is not possible to single out individual students in the results.

The survey takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. The survey measures include such topics as emotional and social well-being, physical health, and behaviours and attitudes linked to student success. The survey also allows students to give their thoughts and feedback in open-ended question responses.

Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary. Your child will not take part if either you or your child do not wish to. If, during the survey, your child is uncomfortable answering any question, he/she should leave it blank and move on to the next one. Your child can stop the survey at any time.

If you do not want your child to take part in the survey, please click here to complete the form and return it to your child’s school by Wednesday 11th August 2021.  

If you would like more information, please contact the school during office hours.


Donna McDonald

3rd August 2021

Third Party Policy

The Department of Education WA is committed to working with you to ensure the online safety of every student at Thornlie SHS.

A major review of the Third Party Online Policy has been completed and a new policy developed for implementation in 2022.

The Third Party Online Policy requires all families to complete a new ICT Usage Agreement for access to online services. You are also invited to give consent for your child/children to have access to the identified online platforms and programs used across all Year 7-12 courses.

In 2023 students will not have access to online services provided by the school until this form/document is submitted/completed and returned.

Please note that if you have more than one child enrolled at Thornlie SHS you will need to complete this process for each of your children.

It will take approximately 5 minutes to read and complete the form via this link

Third Party Consent online form

Third Party Consent

Alternatively, this policy can be downloaded by following the links below.

Full Third Party Consent form

Should you have any queries please contact the school during office hours on 6235 7900.