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Parent & Citizens Association


 WHO CAN JOIN? Parents and Guardians of students in Years 7 to 12, as well as community Citizens wanting to help students reach their goals and succeed. If English is your second language we can translate P&C documents used at meetings into your preferred language.

Being a P&C member at this school is FUN, is good for your MENTAL HEALTH, is a GOOD ROLE MODEL to your child and a great addition to your work resume. Your viewpoints are valuable and we’d love you to join us. Email for more info or just turn up on the night.


Raise issues and questions from the school community with the Principal (who attends meetings) and discuss them with committee members to find solutions that we can support.

* The current P&C members have committed to assisting our Administration staff and School Board members to lobby for Federal & State funding for a much needed multimillion dollar major school upgrade and refurbishment; including a Thornlie Community Art, Culture and Training Centre on our campus. Students deserve to showcase their talents in Dance, Cheer, Music, Drama, Hospitality, Arts & Technologies Exhibitions and Graduation Ceremonies in front of a large audience, with accessibility to all.

The multipurpose large indoor facility with seating, could be utilised by many other schools and community groups in our district.

*  Provide a parent point of view to assist our school with their operations & communication.

* Assist groups of students at any fundraising events they hold (e.g. Election Day Sausage Sizzle) but P&C fundraising events are not generally held.

*  Decide on how to spend the Voluntary P&C $20 that families donate through the school fee schedule. In recent years the members decided to finance the annual Arts & Technologies Exhibition, Year 12 General Dux Award, the three mascots (lion, turtle, penguin) for the Positive Behaviour Support program, the SchoolTV project (parent/teen advice linked to the TSHS website), outdoor seating in Year 7 area, four 3D printers, a class set of Perception Goggles and resources for the Year 7 E-Sport Club.

*  A $500 community grant from 2nd Chance OpShop was obtained to purchase cooking equipment & utensils for the school Breakfast Club held on Monday, Wednesday & Friday before school. P&C members can assist staff with serving, washing dishes and buying food. P&C members may also donate 10c Containers to the P&C (see below), which is then used to purchase UHT milk, MILO and breakfast food.

*  A $9500 Federal Government BURT area grant (Planting Trees for The Queen’s Jubilee program) was obtained to plant 25 native trees on our school grounds with students so far and 18 more native trees will be planted around the new STEM building in Term 1. So if you wish to volunteer for several hours on a weekday or weekend please contact us.

* A $20,000 Federal Government Stronger Communities Grant was used in 2023 to assist in the funding of the Thornlie SHS Yarning Circle and Six Seasons Totems.

WHEN DO WE MEET? Once or sometimes twice a term, on Monday evenings, at 6pm for 60-75 minutes. You’re not expected to attend every meeting and the Agenda and Minutes will be emailed to you. Your children are welcome to come and sit at the nearby tables or next to you.  Find upcoming meeting dates in your Daily Notice emails, the school’s front digital sign and school website calendar and our AGM is in Term 3 to vote in Executive Positions to be filled.


Next time you take your family or work friends’ cans/bottles to an outlet, you may like to donate a bag of them to our P&C which we use to buy food for the TSHS Breakfast Club.

Search and choose WA then scroll down to the bottom of the screen and click “Support a Cause.”  Type “Thornlie Senior High School” in the Search bar. The P&C member number C10332659 will appear and you can add it to your mobile wallet.

International Fee Paying Students

Thornlie SHS is very proud to have a long-standing association with Year 7-12 International Students. Our International Program is very well established and commenced in 2007, since that time many students have graduated through our school system and go on to a wide array of tertiary institutions.

A strong emphasis is placed on the pastoral care needs of our international students. We understand that homesickness and cultural changes can be difficult for students to manage and it is for this reason that we have appointed an International Student Coordinator.

International Student Support Services

International students are supported by a Deputy Principal, an International Student Coordinator and highly experienced caring teachers. Special orientation and pastoral care programs enable International Students to develop friendships with each other as well as domestic students. This enables them to feel welcome within the school community.

The school has a very strong focus on pastoral care, based on a year system. Each year group has a Year Coordinator to foster the school ethos. A positive rapport exists between staff and students. The personal development and academic progress of students are monitored by the Student Services Team. This team is led by the Manager of Student Services.

Counselling in career issues, subject selection, study skills, and social and emotional problems are available through the Careers Coordinator, Student Support Officer and the Psychologist . The School Nurse is available for counselling in health matters. These people provide a strong network of support for students.

International Student Coordinator

International students have additional support through the International Student Coordinator. The person in this role provides individual identification, intervention and support services, including individual education plans, comprehensive career guidance and English language support for students. This person works as an advocate, helping international students voice their concerns and opinions as well as organising events and activities.


If you decide that Thornlie SHS is the ideal school for you, an application form can be sent to the TAFE International WA (TIWA) who are the gateway to international study and services for government schools and colleges in Western Australia.

Please visit the TAFE International WA (TIWA) Website at to view the application forms and learn more about the enrollment process.


Approved Specialist Rugby Sports School



Secondary Assistance Scheme

The Secondary Assistance Scheme (SAS) is intended to provide assistance to secondary students in meeting the costs of books and uniforms and includes eligible home-educated students. To be eligible for the allowance the parent/guardian must hold a Centrelink Family Health Care Card, a Centrelink Pensioner Concession Card or a Veterans’ Affairs Pensioner Concession card that represents a statement of income for the family.  The student must be registered for home education at an education office.

The allowance consists of two components:

  • $115 Clothing Allowance paid directly to the parent/guardian or school.
  • $235 Educational Program Allowance paid directly to the school.

An application is made by the parent or guardian of student/s registered for study in the secondary years.

Application forms are available from education offices. Applications must be received by the Schools Resourcing Branch (08 9264 4516) by the last day of term 1 of the current school year. 


Enrolment Applications

PLEASE NOTE:  Applications for enrolment for 2025 Year 7 must be received by Friday 28th June 2024 (Term 2, Week 11)

Enrolment Criteria

Thornlie Senior High School enrols students at all Year levels 7 – 12.

All applications received from within our local intake area together with successful applications from the Specialist Rugby Program will be approved and processed.

Applications from parents/guardians outside our local intake area (see local intake area map) are considered with the number being determined by the school’s capacity to accommodate further enrolments based on the following criteria:

  1. First priority is given to a child who has siblings also enrolled at Thornlie Senior High School, but not those siblings enrolled in special programs from outside the local intake area.
  2. A second priority is given to a child who lives nearest to Thornlie Senior High School with the distance being measured in a straight line on a horizontal plane.

Important – Please click the link below to read information regarding Who Can Enrol before completing an application.

Information regarding Who Can Enrol

For Enrolment into Thornlie Senior High School:

If you wish to enrol your child, please complete the Enrolment Forms below:

 Application for Enrolment form

 Enrolment form 

USI Application Process


For students enrolling to attend Year 7 in 2025:

Information for parents:

Letter to Parents/Guardians

Enrolment Checklist

Student Health Care Summary

 Important Dates for Year 7 2025


Forms to be completed:

 Application for Enrolment form

Enrolment form 

English as a Dialect or Language (if applicable)

 Scholarship & Specialised Programs Interest form

  • Complete the relevant forms listed above.
  • Submit the forms and supporting documents by post or email to:

                  Enrolments School Officer
                  Thornlie Senior High School
                  PO Box 27
                  THORNLIE  WA  6988

                   Email :

  • For Year 6 students enrolling in Year 7 for 2025, an information package will be distributed to Year 6 students enrolled at Thornlie PS, South Thornlie PS, Yale PS, Forest Crescent PS during Term 2. If your child doesn’t attend a listed school, please email or call to organise an Enrolment Package to be posted to you. 
  • For students wishing to enrol in Year 7 for the current year and Years 8 – 12, a parent and student interview with the relevant Deputy Principal will be subsequently organised.

For more information please email or call 6235 7900.

Contact Us

All members of staff can be contacted through the main school switchboard.

Phone: +61 (08) 6235 7900

Fax:+61 (08) 9376 2146


Address: 2 Ovens Road, Thornlie WA 6108

Postal Address: PO Box 27, Thornlie  WA  6988

Office Opening Hours
Monday  8:00am – 4:00pm
 Tuesday  8:00am – 4:00pm
Wednesday  8:00am – 4:00pm
Thursday  8:00am – 4:00pm
Friday  8:00am – 4:00pm
Closed Weekends, Public Holidays & School Holidays

If we haven’t answered your questions on our website, please feel free to fill in the form below and send us your enquiry.

    Registered Training Organisation

    Thornlie Senior High School Registered Training Organisation NTIS ID: 50555                   

    Title: VET Course Information 2022 For further information please contact:
    Doc# VET4055-024 Linley Stewart – RTO Manager
    Thornlie Senior High School  T: 08 6235 7927
    Trading as a Registered Training Organisation F: 08 9376 2146
    2 Ovens Road E:
    Thornlie WA 6108  

    Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Schools program are delivered as part of a broad, general education that combines study towards the Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE) with a nationally recognised VET qualification within the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF).

    Thornlie Senior High School is committed, through its administration and VET staff, to offer the best and most comprehensive range of subjects available.

    Thornlie Senior High School gained status as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) in 2005.

    As an RTO, Thornlie SHS delivers National Competencies which are recognised by TAFE and industry. Competencies completed will attract TAFE exemption and gain selection points for TAFE entry.

    Full qualifications are offered as follows by Thornlie SHS as a Registered Training Organisation:

    BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills
    CHC22015 Certificate II in Community Services
    CUA20220 Certificate II in Creative Industries
    CUA20120 Certificate II in Dance
    MEM20422 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
    SIT20322 Certificate II in Hospitality
    SIS20115 Certificate II in Sport and Recreation
    ICT20120 Certificate II in Applied Digital Technologies
    CUA20720  Certificate II in Visual Arts
      Furniture Focus

    In order to complete the requirements of all certificates, students must attend a minimum of 90% of scheduled classes. Students who choose to study this course in Year 11 must continue the course in Year 12.

    All certificates have a work-based component where students will be required to demonstrate competency in any given workplace.

    A range of learning strategies in a variety of learning environments will be used in order to cater for differences in learning styles, learning interests and needs, and variations in learning opportunities (including online). Students will be provided with further information in the Learning and Assessment Strategy in each course package.

    Workplace Learning is an integral part of each VET Program. Students will attend the workplace for one two week block during the year, at a time specified by the school.


    A flexible and innovative training program which provides skills to help students reach their potential and improve their employment outcomes.


    In line with The Department of Education policy, to have VET students complete a full Certificate II by the end of Year 12.

    As an RTO and a High School, Thornlie Senior High School is able to deliver Qualifications up to Certificate III.  Higher Qualifications are delivered through TAFE or University and private RTOs.

    On completion of the requirements defined in the Training Package, a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) may issue a nationally recognised AQF qualification.

    Statement of Attainment

    Where a qualification is partially achieved through the achievement of one or more units of competency, an RTO may issue a Statement of Attainment.

    RTOs must recognise the achievement of competencies as recorded on a qualification or Statement of Attainment issued by other RTOs.  Given this, recognised competencies can progressively build towards a full qualification.

    Students who have a Statement of attainment from another RTO may list this information on the VET enrolment form and present the original document to the Careers Centre.


     All students who are enrolled in certificate courses at Thornlie SHS require the Unique Student Identifier number. If a student does not have a USI, we are unable to issue the Certificate or Statement of Attainment, and therefore the student will receive no credit for their course.

    The USI is a reference number made up of numbers and letters that gives students access to their USI account, allowing an individual to see all of their training results from all providers including all completed training units and qualifications.

    The USI will make it easier for students to find and collate their VET achievements into a single authenticated transcript. It will also ensure that students’ VET records are not lost.

    The USI is available online and at no cost to the student. This USI will stay with the student for life and be recorded with any nationally recognised VET course that is completed. Please go to the following website and complete the process:

    Once your child has obtained the USI, they are required to bring a copy of the number to the Careers Centre.

    Please follow the following links to obtain more information.

    Vet Course Information 2023 – Full Document

    Quality Policy

    VET Enrolment Form

    ATQF Learner Questionnaire

    Student Feedback Form

    Training Records Form

    Complaints and appeals procedure

    Student Induction procedure

    School Intake Area

    Please click on the icon to open the PDF

     Enrolment Boundary Map

    THORNLIE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL (4055) (July 2016)

    The following will define the local-intake area of this school from 2017:

    From the intersection of Nicholson Road and the railway line, north east along the railway line to Albany Highway, south east along Albany Highway (south west side included) to Austin Avenue, south west along the locality boundary between Kenwick and Maddington to the Canning River, generally south along the Canning River to the confluence of the Canning River and the Southern River, south along the Southern River to Corfield Street, north east along Corfield Street (north side included) to Warton Road, south west along Warton Road (north west side included) to Garden Street, north west along Garden Street (east side included) to Nicholson Road, and north along Nicholson Road (north east side included) to the railway line.

    The following defines the boundary of an optional area between Southern River College and Thornlie Senior High School:

    From the junction of Barrett Street and Balfour Street, north east along Balfour Street (north east side included) to Gay Street, north west along Gay Street (both sides included) to Warton Road, south west along Warton Road (south east side included) to Holmes Street, east along Holmes Street (south side included) to Lakey Street, south west along Lakey Street (south east side included) to Barrett Street and south east along Barrett Street (north east side included) to Balfour Street.

    The following defines an optional area between Lynwood Senior High School and Thornlie Senior High School:

    From the intersection of the Canning River and the railway line, south west along the railway line to Cameron Street, north west along Cameron Street (north east side included) to the Roe Highway, north east along the Roe Highway (south east side included) to the Canning River, and generally south east along the Canning River to the railway line.


    The local-intake area maps are based on a written description of the local-intake area (LIA) for the school as published in the WA Government Gazette.  Although the map closely represents the LIA description, for some houses near the boundary (especially on street corners), it may be necessary to refer to the written description.  The street address of a residence is used to determine whether that dwelling is inside a particular LIA.  While local-intake areas for most schools do not change from year to year, changes may be made to local-intake areas as required.  Such changes are published in the WA Government Gazette and subsequently the local-intake area map will be updated.

    Sister School

    Japanese Exchange Program

    In 1991, Thornlie Senior High School formed a sister school relationship with Amagasaki-Inazono SHS from Osaka, Japan. This relationship was formed under the auspices of the WA and Hyogo Prefectural Governments to foster International Understanding.

    Students from Amagasaki-Inazono SHS visit Thornlie SHS every July, and Thornlie students visit Inazono every two years. Over the years a strong relationship has built between the two schools and their families. There has even been a marriage between ex-students from both schools.

    In recent years, Nishinomiya SHS, also from Osaka. has joined with Amagasaki-Inazono SHS in the exchange program.



    Uniform Shop

     The schools uniform requirements, including headwear, footwear and other aspects of personal presentation were developed in consultation with students, parents/guardians and staff. The Thornlie Senior High School Council has endorsed these uniform requirements for all students attending the school.

    Secondary school students are required to wear a school uniform and meet the dress standards of the school.

    The Council and the school community believe a school uniform:

    • Fosters and enhances the public image of the school within its community
    • Develops students’ sense of belonging to the school community
    • Provides an opportunity to build school spirit
    • Promotes a sense of inclusiveness, non-discrimination and equal opportunity
    • Enhances the health and safety of students when involved in school activities
    • Increases the personal safety of students and staff by allowing easier identification of visitors and potential intruders to the school
    • Prepares students for work, as many work places have dress and safety codes.

    Enrolment and Acceptance of Uniform Policy
    Acceptance of enrolment at the school is deemed as an agreement between the parent/guardian, enrolling student and school that the student will comply with the School Uniform Policy.

    School Uniform Requirements

    Students in Years 7 – 12

    • Thornlie SHS navy blue polo shirt with logo
    • Thornlie SHS navy blue unisex shorts or track pants
    • Thornlie SHS navy blue zip jacket
    • Thornlie SHS leavers’ jacket with logo (Year 12 only). Note: Only jackets with school logos are suitable. Plain, ‘un-logo’ed’ items do not meet dress code.

    Physical Education

    • Thornlie SHS physical education royal blue polo shirt with white panel and logo
    • Thornlie SHS plain black shorts
    • Students must change for Physical Education and wear appropriate sports shoes. Hats and SPF 30+ sunscreen should be worn outdoors.


    • Any covered and closed, low heeled shoes e.g. leather lace up school shoes or joggers,
    • with navy or white socks and navy blue stockings for girls
    • NOTE: Thongs, health sandals, Ugg boots, light fabric canvass shoes, slip-ons, high heels,
    • fashion shoes and similar are NOT acceptable footwear.


    • Protective headgear e.g. peaked caps, preferably in school colours
    • Beanies, Hoodies and similar are NOT to be worn to school

    NOTE: Denim is NOT part of the uniform and is not be worn to school. All clothing must be clean, tidy and in good repair.


    Students who do not meet the uniform requirements will:

    • Be required to change into appropriate clothing supplied by the school.
    • Be denied the opportunity to represent their school at official school activities, which include sporting and social events.
    • Have their parents contacted to seek their assistance/support in meeting the requirements of the school Uniform Policy.


    Availability of School Clothing
    Thornlie SHS school clothing can be purchased from the UNIFORMCONCEPTS store in Willetton.

    This arrangement has many advantages and enables parents great access, customer service and stock levels. It will be especially beneficial for working parents who will be able to purchase uniform inside and outside of normal school hours.

    School uniform is compulsory in all public schools. After consultation with student representatives, parents and the wider community, a range of school uniform items was determined.

    Students and families are aware of our requirements before accepting enrolment at our school.

    Students dressed in full school uniform are all part of the public image which is so important to a school. They are the face we present to the community.

    It is in all our interests to ensure our school maintains a high profile and a positive image in the community.

    If families face financial difficulties in regards to uniform, the school can assist through the student assistance scheme. All enquiries to the Principal are confidential.

    All items of school uniform are available at the school’s Uniform Shop (except for school shoes).

    Uniform Supplier:

    Uniform Concepts 
    30 Kembla Way
    Ph: 9270 4669

    A one stop shop for all your quality school uniform requirements

    Our friendly, experienced staff will make buying uniforms a breeze!

    Monday to Friday: 9am – 5pm
    Thursdays: 9am – 6pm
    Saturdays:  9am – 1pm


     Uniform Concepts Order Form

     New Students – Term 4 Uniform Fittings